Thursday, May 10, 2012

Eötvös Graduation: If You Want To Sing Out

Kathryn and I were invited to perform at the "School Leaving Ceremony" (Graduation) at Eötvös last Saturday.  Pisti, my Hungarian friend/co-worker/tutor, asked if I would sing for the graduation ceremony.  Their first choice was Without You (that poppy gem by David Guetta and Usher), but shock of shocks, I declined that offer.  It's not really in my range...

After much debate, Kathryn and I decided to play a cover of Cat Steven's "If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out."  

Wanna see the video?

There you go.

And here are some photos.

Congratulations, graduates.

My brother is graduating this weekend.  I wish I could be there, balloon phobia and all.  Stings like a bee.  Love you Steven.

1 comment:

  1. Great job, girls! I didn't know this song. It's not on the "best of" album I have, but now I've downloaded it. Thanks for sharing. What a special treat for the graduates, too.
